Yeah, I know, I haven’t written for a long long time, but it is what it is. Let’s give it another try just to see if it gets updated the way I want it.

For past many months and years, not writing consistently has left a void in my personal life. I want to be able to fill that again. Writing regularly is really important for to be able to keep myself grounded.

I am trying to reboot myself yet again. Who knows this time this attempt might be successful.

Afterall, I don’t have anything else but to keep trying. I like to think of myself as a Writer somewhere who feels more comfortable expressible through written words than verbally. But life takes over again and again and I lose the flow.

And this causes a certain hollowness inside which I don’t like . It’s like some part of the life is incomplete. So, I keep coming back every few days, weeks, months or years trying to write hoping this time it will stick. Just this time.

The idea is to post at least one post per week on this with minimum 100 words. More the merrier. No other expectations about the topics or quality of the posts. We will see the rest as time goes by.

Let’s see where do I reach this time with this. That’s all we can hope for.

For now God Bless us all.