A Bunch of Thoughts
Again in the spirit of Removing Friction, I am just stating a bunch of thoughts here. These are random thoughts which may not have any correlation (or may be they have). May be in future, I will make them as themes of my future blog posts (or may be I won’t). But some of them have been going on in my head for far too long. It’s just better, if I can put them on (virtual) paper.
Note that these are my personal opinions or experiences, laden with the biases of my own world view. So while we can discuss on them, but these are not up for argument or explanation from me.
OK, so here goes.
Life feels stuck in general. Kind of like a punchered wheel, which moves but with a lot of discomfort and an always looming worry of it getting burst at any time.
Delhi CM Kejriwal ji has been a fair administrator. But a huge disappointment for me as a politician. He and his party stood for something, which made them different from others. But now they are worse than in others in some ways. So, no longer interested in defending him for his antics. And the more he is busy making grand announcements and starting schemes just weeks before Delhi elections, the more I wonder how much more he could have done for Delhi in 5 years.
Indian PM Modi ji isn’t all black and white like we want to project him. His politics lies somewhere in grey (dark or light grey is what we should debate on). I personally have a lot of complaints from him and think that he is more words than deeds. And frankly, I am tired of having to listen about him every waking day (good or bad). It’s like we are being overdosed on Modi. It’s bound to have some side effects. However, all said and done, you have to salute his energy as an almost 70 years guy. Some people at this age can’t clean their own shit, he is day in and day out busy cleaning shit of the whole country.
Delhi’s pollution is becoming toxic day by day. I really worry, someone known to me might get cancer having to breath this slow poison over the years.
We are creatures of habit and it’s really really difficult to get over your habits. If you can win over yourself, you can win over anybody.
Writing only seems sexy when you don’t write. Otherwise, like all other worthwhile pursuits, it’s hard toil to write something worth reading.
As I am growing older, maintaining relationships and friendships feels more as a chore than something to enjoy.
I realize that we are sucker for crass. I don’t know how people watch shows like Big Boss or have a guts to watch News Debates daily (these shows must obviously be having high TRPs to continue to run long and strong).
As I have entered 30s, I have started to feel the wear and tear in the body and little niggles here and there. A Gentle reminder to not take this body for granted and take care of it.
There is just so much propaganda propagated nowadays, it’s difficult to determine what’s wrong and what’s right. I wish we educate ourselves more before forming opinions about anything.
Who are these people who create jokes and memes on social media day in and day out ? What do they get in return?
I hate my phone. I want to go back to the days where I didn’t used to carry a mobile in my pocket. Those were so much calmer.
Pleasure is addictive. I (and mostly the ones I know of) have metaphorically become a dog chasing everything shiny and glittery, trying to get my own hits of dopamine. But leading a life based on comfort, entertainment and pleasure is a sure shot way to depression. Trying to reboot this blog is one such attempt to come out of this consumer mentality.
I have probably hit rock bottom, when it comes to focus and grit. Not really a good place to be. When I start something, now I am almost sure that I won’t take it closure. But fight I must and fight I will. That’s what being alive means.
Tagged: thoughts