Experiment: Now Giving 50 Rs. Daily
I recently reached 100 posts on this blog. Although I am pretty happy with what I have achieved, I’m a tad disappointed as well. It’s been 978 days since my first post here and it took me 132 days since the 100th one. While a lot of excuses for not writing enough can be given, there is no denying the fact that these stats could have been much better.
I read somewhere that a writer will do anything to excuse himself from writing and I suffer from the same difficulty. Writing is all about inertia. When you are writing good, you feel good, which gives a positive feedback to write more good stuffs. Similarly you are not writing, a lot of (unfounded) negative emotions come in, which makes it even more difficult to write.
I want to take my writing more seriously now. In fact, I want to reach the next 100 mark in 1/3rd of the time it took this time. And that obviously will require tremendous amount of self discipline and dedication.
Starting January 1, I want to make it a habit of writing uninterrupted for half an hour daily, doesn’t matter what. And this is where I want an Accountability Partner (AP).
Here is what I want to try:
- I try to write for (at least) half an hour daily preferably between 10 to 10.30 am.
- The Accountability Partner checks DAILY if I am maintaining the habit.
- The AP will make sure to remind me daily block half an hour in the ‘busy’ schedule to write.
- In case, I am not able to write for 30 mins (not a minute less), I give 50 Rs. to AP for that day, to be given to them at the end of the month as lump sum.
- Though, I am not required to show it to the AP what I wrote.
Of course, there is a scope of cheating here. But then there has to be a degree of trust for this experiment to pass. And while 50 Rs. in a day may not be that big an amount, totalling it for 30 days will make it 1500 which does become a significant amount for me.
If anybody is interested to become a Writing Accountability Partner for me for this January, please let me know. I am pretty serious about it, and would like someone who can honestly help me out.
Tagged: special, experiment