I smile.
I smile.
Because it takes away all the sadness at that very moment.
I smile.
Because it makes me feel happy, instantly.
I smile.
Because it’s essential for me, just like breathing.
I smile.
Because smiling is an art
and I want to perfect it.
I smile.
Just to keep seeing, if I can still smile.
I smile.
Because it’s a habit, it’s automatic.
I smile.
Because not smiling sucks.
I smile.
Because I like to smile.
I smile.
Because there is a huge scarcity of smiles in this world.
I smile.
Because I have the best smile in the world, and I know it!
I smile.
Because a lot of others’ smile depends on it.
I smile.
Because it never hurts.
I smile.
Because they asked me to do so.
And I am just keeping my promise.
I smile.
I just don’t know the exact reason.
I smile.
Whenever I remember her.
I smile.
That’s how I defeat my enemies.
I smile.
While talking or walking.
While eating or drinking.
While doing anything and everything.
I smile.
When I wake up, and when I go to sleep.
And a lot many times in between.
I smile.
Because I just don’t know how NOT to smile.
I smile.
Because I believe in miracles a genuine smile can perform.
I smile.
Because smiling is my favorite.
I smile.
Because everyone just love to see me smile.
I smile.
…Today because I don’t know if I would be there to smile tomorrow.
I smile.
Because it’s precious, but still no one can steal it from me.
I smile.
Because world walks with me when I smile.
And when I frown,
they leave me alone.
I smile.
Because I belong to those rare species who can.
I smile.
Because I want to lessen the hatred in this world.
I smile.
Because God made life to be lived this way only.
I smile.
Because it is a must to get ahead in career …and in life.
I smile.
Because it’s safe and has no side effects.
I smile.
But I won’t tell why.
Because smiling is something I don’t need to justify.
I smile.
In the hope that she will find me, one day. And I want to be found smiling.
I smile.
Because it’s one thing I don’t need a reason to do.
I smile.
Because sometimes, laughing is politically incorrect.
I smile.
Because I don’t want to regret not smiling later on.
I smile.
Because it makes me appear approachable.
I smile.
Because I like baffling people with my smile.
I smile.
Because there is no better exercise for my face.
I smile.
Because it’s infectious.
I smile.
Because I want to remind those who have forgotten to smile.
I smile.
Because it doesn’t cost me anything.
I smile.
Because it makes everyone’s day.
I smile.
Because it’s the best make up I can ever have.
I smile.
Because it shields the pain inside.
I smile.
But it’s not my fault, it makes me look cute.
I smile.
Because I have missed a lot of opportunities to do so before.
But I am not missing any more.
I smile.
… Dedicated to (and courtesy) my new found friends. Keep smiling :)